Tele 5
Doctor Who
Serie, Actionserie • 22.02.2025 • 19:15 - 20:15 heute
PICTURE SHOWS: RAJI JAMES as Dr Rajesh Singh and CAMILE CODURI as Jackie DOCTOR WHO SERIES 2 EMBARGO - THIS IMAGE CANNOT BE USED BEFORE BBC'S TRANSMISSION DATE WARNING This image may only be used for publicity purposes in connection with the broadcast of the programme as licensed by BBC Worldwide Ltd. & must carry the shown copyright legend. It may not be used for any commercial purpose without a license from the BBC. c BBC 2005/6
PICTURE SHOWS: BILLIE PIPER as Rose DOCTOR WHO SERIES 2 EMBARGO - THIS IMAGE CANNOT BE USED BEFORE BBC'S TRANSMISSION DATE WARNING This image may only be used for publicity purposes in connection with the broadcast of the programme as licensed by BBC Worldwide Ltd. & must carry the shown copyright legend. It may not be used for any commercial purpose without a license from the BBC. c BBC 2005/6
PICTURE SHOWS: BILLIE PIPER as Rose, DAVID TENNANT as The Doctor DOCTOR WHO SERIES 2 EMBARGO - THIS IMAGE CANNOT BE USED BEFORE BBC'S TRANSMISSION DATE WARNING This image may only be used for publicity purposes in connection with the broadcast of the programme as licensed by BBC Worldwide Ltd. & must carry the shown copyright legend. It may not be used for any commercial purpose without a license from the BBC. c BBC 2005/6
Billie Piper, David Tennant
Serie, Actionserie
Der Zeitreisende "Doctor Who" (David Tennant) scheut keine Gefahren. Das futuristische Vehikel seiner Wahl ist die Raum-Zeit-Maschine TARDIS, die nur äußerlich einer britischen Polizei-Notrufzelle gleicht. Bei seinen wahnwitzigen Einsätzen quer durchs Universum muss der außerirdische Timelord knifflige Rätsel lösen, bösartige Aliens bekämpfen und heldenhaften Mut beweisen, um bedrohte Spezies, die Erde oder ganze Galaxien zu retten. Auch die reizende Reisebegleiterin Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) ist mit an Bord und erlebt jede Menge intergalaktische Abenteuer. - Die kultige Sciencefiction-Serie aus Großbritannien steht im Guinness-Buch der Rekorde und räumt regelmäßig neue Filmpreise ab.